Review: An Incurable Case Of Love Is The Sweetest Japanese Drama Ever

Before we get into it, let me start by letting you know that An Incurable Case of Love is very much worth watching.

Trust me, if you love heartwarming romance, you’re going to enjoy it.

Needless to say, this age-gap medical romance Japanese drama has the sweetest happy ending for our leads, so you won’t be left hanging, I promise.

Also, you can watch An Incurable Case of Love with full subtitles in any English on Viki & Netflix.

I am a little embarrassed to say this, but I got into Japanese dramas relatively late because my very first Asian drama was a Korean drama, and I have sort of stuck with that for a couple of years.

Incurable case of love

But then I watched my very first Japanese drama last year, and I’m not kidding when I say it was an eye-opener and a reminder that anyone who intentionally closes themselves off from enjoying good cinema isn’t that smart.

Between that time and now, I’ve watched nothing less than 50 Japanese dramas, started a Japanese learning course on Duolingo, and now I am literally on the hunt for new dramas.

Since Japanese dramas aren’t in high demand like Korean dramas, it can be a little difficult to find them, and the Netflix selection is entirely too sparse, so I’ve steered away from Netflix when it comes to Japanese dramas (Viki is the best, even though it’s an enthusiastic data-sucker). 

So just imagine my surprise when I saw that one of my all-time favorite Japanese dramas was now on Netflix. You guys, I screamed, and it felt like my throat became hoarse.

Incurable 9

An Incurable Case of Love or Mada Mada Koi wa Tsuzuku yo Doko Made mo follows Sakura Nanase, who comes to Tokyo for a school program. While she’s screaming for help to aid an old woman who collapsed on the ground, Tendo Kairi walks up to her and sort of takes charge, and then we find out that he is a doctor.

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At this point, Nanase is pretty much directionless because she doesn’t know what to do with her future. But when she sees Kairi and she sees the way he handles the entire situation, she realizes that this is something she would like to do, and she decides to enter his field as a nurse in order to meet him once again in the future.

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I know that the instant-love trope might not be the most palatable on a good day, but these two managed to make it work. And even though he doesn’t fall in love with her instantly when they reunite in the future, he is clearly very enraptured and impressed by her. It was so heartwarming to see them become closer.

Incurable 1

It is a medical drama, so like 75% of the drama takes place in a hospital, and we have other endearing characters that I really cared about and really loved. I was reaching for the happily ever after as well.

If you watch Japanese dramas, you probably notice that there is usually a template: the primary leads end up together, and then the side characters have a very ambiguous ending because we’re not sure how their relationship will progress. The same happens here, but I couldn’t find it in me to be sad because I really did have hope for both of them.

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And I know I keep on speaking, and it almost seems like I’m talking in circles, but I’m trying my best not to drop any spoilers. Just know that this lovely medical romance Japanese drama is everything your heart needs right now.

If this doesn’t convince you, let me just tell you guys that the theme song of this drama (I Love… by Official Hige Dandism) is what inspired me to actually start learning Japanese. Whenever I hear the first few beats of that song, it feels as if my body comes alive and I’m a main character in a melodrama. 

Incurable 2

Just as I said earlier, you can watch this drama complete on Netflix right now, and I assure you guys it’s so good. It’s a little cliche and a little cringy, but what is romance without clichés and the right amount of cringe?

What do you think? Do you think you’re going to watch An Incurable Case of Love on Netflix right now? Let me know in the comments below.

And, I have reviews for so many other dramas, so make sure you check those out as well.

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